**Paraphrasing** # Paraphrasing techniques Characterie is built to easily allow for the users to take non-verbatim notes if they desire. There are some features of the design of Characterie which make it easier to take non-verbatim notes. ## Use Characterical Synonyms One of the methods unique to Characterie is the ability to save writing time by picking a characterical synonym. So if you want to express *above*, we saw before that this can be written as *aover*. If we are looking for non-verbatim transcription, perhaps the word *over* is sufficient. If so we can save some time writing. ![above](./paraphrasing/above.svg) ![over](./dictionary/over.svg) This can also be true if there are common phrases which convey the same meaning, like perhaps a phrase like *high in the sky, above our heads* can be in some contexts simply shortened to *over*. This can also be done to turn dissenting derived words into simple negations of the characterical word, if that reflects the proper meaning. ## Drop Descriptors This is not unique to Characterie, but you may also freely drop descriptors if they are not serving any purpose. This can be done by reducing phrases like *the hot sun* to just *the sun*. !["the hot sun"](./paraphrasing/hot_sun.svg) !["the sun"](./paraphrasing/the_sun.svg) ## Divided Terms Long phrases can also be merged, and then optionally marked to be unmerged. For instance, long phrases like *all the stars, planets, and galaxies* can be replaced with shorter phrases like *the universe*. By placing an *x* to the side of the word to be split, it can be marked as having been a merged phrase. This does not let you create the exact original words, but you can remember it is some sort of list of things. ![all the stars, planets, and galaxies](./paraphrasing/stars.svg) !["the universe" with an "x" mark](./paraphrasing/universe.svg) # Summary There are three common ways to paraphrase in characterie: 1. Write a characterical synonym, 2. omit descriptors, or 3. combine long phrases and mark it to need to be expanded. These are not all unique to characterie, but notice how well-suited it is to they way you think---in terms of synonyms and antonyms! Most shorthands these days focus on verbatim transcription, so it is interesting to see a system that has rules, even a few, about ways to paraphrase instead. # Exercises **Exercise 1.** Rewrite the following sentences using the above paraphrasing rules. ![a.](./paraphrasing/para_a.svg) ![b.](./paraphrasing/para_b.svg) !!!
**Solution.** *a.* This sentence is, *"The bright blazing stars delighted us with their warmth."* To paraphrase this by the principles above, we first look to see if any of them can be reduced to a characterical word. *Stars* derives from *heaven*, which I do not think is an acceptably close substitute, so we keep it as derived. *Warmth* derives from *heat*, which probably is, so we drop the *w*. Next, we remove descriptors which are not needed, and in this case we can probably drop *bright* and *blazing*. There are no long phrases that can be combined, so we can rewrite this as: !["The stars delighted us with their heat."](./paraphrasing/para_a_reduced.svg) *b.* This sentence is, *"I dislike that corrupt evil despicable man."* The only things that could potentially can be changed is *dislike* can be rewritten as *not like* since that is the pure negation of the characterical word (the fact the resulting sentence is not grammatical is actually a hint that *dislike* might be the word needed anyway), and the long descriptor can be condensed to just *corrupt* with an expansion mark. !["I not like that corrupt* man."](./paraphrasing/para_b_reduced.svg)
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